Posts Tagged ‘business routine’

Expand your Business Routine

Monday, March 30th, 2009


Most people do the same thing day after day, every day, every year, for MANY YEARS.


If you think about it, our routines are those things we enjoy doing, or about those we just have to do.  There is nothing wrong with that.  In fact, the routine are about what we feel stable, comfortable and obligated.


However, there is one thing bad about been bound to a routine of life.  What is it?


Routine, which is something boring, sets us in a mindset that nothing can be changed.  And we slowly become scare of doing anything new. 


Operating your own business requires a different mindset. You have to think in terms of profit and losses.  Or, in simpler terms, think about how much you are willing to put out in order to make how many times of that money back.


Trying something new every so often will help build up the flexibility of mind.  In fact, think about trying something new as playing.


Playing different tasks is truly helpful because the “Trying” attitude is an important habit for anyone to become adaptive and entrepreneur.


When we try, we learn.


When we learn, we know.


When we know, we can choose.

Think like this:


     Try -> Learn -> Know -> Choice


Trying mentality should not be a serious task. You should look at it as a game. You may gain something; you may not.


If nothing happen, who care?


The PLAYFUL aptitude is a great concept and it helps us develop new thinking in business.


Think about children.  They learn stuff without being afraid of being wrong. We adult are so afraid of any failure.


Go try something as a new hobby. Reading something new.  Something “NOT_Your type.”  If you are energetic, try something that need more brain.  Try it, it’s just a game. However, I believe it is important for you to do that.  If you don’t have a try-and-play attitude, it would be a bit harder for you to be an entrepreneur.


Once you try something new in business, you can develop new business routines and open up possibilities.